Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Handel v Sullivan

The Band is preparing for a forthcoming production of Handel's amazing oratorio Jephtha. I was due to meet the conductor yesterday to take delivery of the parts. Slight change of plan... it turns out he had been sent Arthur Sullivan's arrangement! A little bit of me was disappointed that we discovered this in good enough time to source the correct parts. It could have made for a 'fun' performance , if not historically accurate. Or rather, historically accurate to only one hundred years after Handel's death, the era of the great Crystal Palace Handel celebrations!

Monday, 27 February 2012

More Handel

I enjoyed another opportunity to see the majestic Thomas Hudson portrait at the NPG last Friday night. I introduced him to two friends, who both remarked how different he looked compared to the image they'd had of him, just from hearing his music. They remarked how humble he looked in the flesh, despite the trappings of his successful life all around him in the portrait. Perhaps that's how he felt in the mid 1750s when he sat for the portrait, blind and heading towards the end of his life.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Handel
Happy Birthday to you!

Handel is 327 today. I wonder if he could have imagined how well his music would survive the onslaught of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries? He was certainly aware of his popularity whilst alive and I am sure he would be absolutely chuffed (and not at all surprised) by his recognition today. One important question remains however. What kind of cake would he have preferred?

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Private audience with Handel at the Foundling Museum

It's not often that you get a private meeting with the great man. Last week I attended a 'do', hosted by London's Foundling Museum. Everyone was enjoying drinks downstairs, and I wandered up to look at the Handel manuscripts, his will and the Thomas Hudson portrait. What a privilege to have them all to myself.